How to generate passive income in India? | Passive income ideas in India
How to generate passive income in India? If you are a student, employee, or businessman, it does not matter. You will come to know each and every detail about passive income ideas in this post. I will share practical and realistic things to generate passive income in this post. You have to implement each and every idea that I am going to share here. What is Passive income? So for those who do not know what is passive income? Let me tell you, Passive income means any kind of work that you have done once, will create money lifetime for you. For example, if you have a house and it is rented, you will always get a certain amount for a lifetime. Your rented house will create a passive income lifetime for you. Let’s take a second example, you have written a book, and your book is published on the Amazon website. You will get money if someone will purchase it, this is also an example of passive income. I hope you must have understood what is passive income. How to generate passive income in India? You must have understood what is passive income. Now let’s see what are the ideas for creating passive income. Success will not come unless and until you are completely restless. It is not motivation but a fact. You have to work out of your comfort zone if you want to create a next-level income. There are some practically possible ideas through which you can create a passive income. It won’t happen overnight, you have to work for it with consistency. 1- Blogging. If you don’t know what is blogging, then let me tell you that blogging means sharing your ideas and knowledge over the internet by making a website. You are reading this post, it is a blog, and here I am sharing some value-added information with you. You can start blogging on any topic, it may be health-related, exercise-related, Moneymaking tips, News, product review, etc. Choose a niche idea and work on it on your blog. After getting Google Adsense approval you can start earning money from your Blog. 2-Youtube Channel. Youtube is full of knowledge and entertainment. You can start making videos on any topic in which you are interested. If you are a girl or woman you can start posting your recipe videos on youtube. If you are a Gym lover and have good knowledge about workouts and diet. You can start a youtube channel and make such videos on it. Most people give up when they do not get subscribers and views. But trust me when you are consistent about your work, you will definitely get a good result in the future. Before that learn about video editing, Thumbnail, title, tag, and description. There are so many things that you need to learn before starting your Youtube channel. When you learn then only you can earn. Also, read How to make money from Youtube 3-Rent a property. Property means not only your home, but your car can also be property. You can rent out your home or car to someone and can create a passive income for a lifetime. I have seen so many people who have purchased a car but they drive often. Instead of keeping it at your home, you can rent it out to someone and get money. Many people have DSLRs but they often shoot videos or photos, you can also rent it out to get money. Your property should work for you and it will create a good amount of money. 4-Investment. If you are earning through Job and business then instead of saving your money, invest it wisely. Your investment can be in anything, Mutual fund, Stock market, Cryptocurrencies, real estate and etc. I know for some people it is hard to save money because of their home and daily expenses. For those, I would say work on different skills and create 2nd source of income and then invest. If you are earning a good amount of money then you can take a small amount from your salary and invest it in Mutual funds, the Stock market, or high-paying dividends. Do proper research before investing your money. 1 bitcoin was equal to 2 Rs approx in 2009 and 1 bitcoin is equal to 2,935,824 Rs in India. Just think if you have invested in Bitcoin 5-6 years back, it would have become more than your expectation. This is also the best idea that how to generate passive income in India. 5-Sell course If you are good at anything then you can create a course and sell it on multiple websites. Here is the list of websites where you can sell your course. Udemy. Skillshare. Teachable. Ruzuku. LearnDash. Podia. Thinkific. Everyone has a hidden talent that he can teach people. It could be anything, like Excel, Blogging, SEO, IT-related info, Video Editing, Photo Editing, Coding, Web designing, etc. Any kind of skills you know, you can create a course and sell on these websites. This is also a great idea that how to generate passive income in India. Why Passive income? Many people think that passive income will make them rich. Passive income doesn’t make you rich instead it helps to meet your day-to-day expenses. Why do people do jobs and business? He does it so that he can maintain his day-to-day expenses. He can have a ration in his home, he can pay school fees to his children. There could be so many reasons that a person works hard daily. We are all talented, yes you are reading this article, you are also more talented. Many people do not explore themself and their creativity. It is because they focus on their daily life activity, daily job work, daily expenses, daily relationship problems, etc. Because of this, they do not get time to understand themselves. The people who just think that they want a passive income won’t get anything. The person who just wants … Read more