What are Bitcoin alternatives? The need for Altcoins

What are Bitcoin alternatives

What are Bitcoin alternatives? Bitcoin is so volatile if its value goes up, it may go down also. In fact, it is a general rule for all kinds of investments in the financial market. Investments like stocks, mutual funds, gold, term deposit, government scheme and etc. The market capitalization of Bitcoin is much more than … Read more

What is Dogecoin? | Bitcoin vs Dogecoin

What is Dogecoin?

I am sure you must be aware of Bitcoin and Rupee coin but do you know what is Dogecoin? The value of our Indian rupees is based on our currency. And bitcoin is based on blockchain that promises to bring a revolutionary change in terms of the monetary system. But do you know that dogecoin … Read more

Highest currency in the world | World’s Most Expensive Currency

Highest currency in the world

Do you know what is the highest currency in the world? 1 dollar is equal to 75.11 Indian rupees. 1 Euro is equal to 86 Rs in India and 1 pound is equal to 102 Rs in India. But do you know which is the most expensive currency in the world? Here I am going … Read more

How cryptocurrency works? Types of cryptocurrency

How cryptocurrency works

What is cryptocurrency? How cryptocurrency works? this was the same question when I heard about cryptocurrency first time. So here I am going to share everything about cryptocurrency. How did it start? Is it legal or illegal or we should invest in cryptocurrency? Who started cryptocurrency? You will come to know so many things in … Read more