Quantum computers vs Supercomputers | How do quantum computers work?

Quantum computers vs Supercomputers

Our technologies have increased a lot and today we are going to see the difference between Quantum computers vs supercomputers. From a smartphone to computers, we are dependent upon new technologies. Sometimes these technologies have some amazing features which made them easy to use. So let’s see the difference between these computers with detailed information. Quantum computers vs Supercomputers The Quantum computer was discovered by Isaac Chuang, Neil Gershenfeld, and Mark Kubinec in 1998. Quantum computers are the kind of computers that store data based on Quantum physics concepts. It generated an automated solution based on the current requirements. Google has announced that Quantum computers are faster than other computers. This computer is also used in optimization problems. You must have seen the flight time board at the airport, it is operated by quantum computers to show the flight times. An online delivery system like FedEx uses a quantum computer in order to deliver the products. Quantum computers are portable and can fit on a small desk. The Supercomputer was discovered by Seymour Crey in 1958. Supercomputers are a kind of computer whose speed and memory are so much. This kind of computer can accomplish any work at the fastest speed than other normal computers. These kinds of computers are used in scientific and engineering-related work. Supercomputers are used in the computational science field. The supercomputer is also used in quantum mechanics and oil gas exploration. It is also used in weather forecasting, and scientist also uses this computer in climate-related research. Supercomputers were known as CDC6600 in the initial days which was released in 1964. Seymour Crey is the father of supercomputers. A large amount of electricity is used to operate the supercomputers. Now you must be thinking which one is the fastest computer? Google has done a test on both computers in 2019. Quantum computers have solved a critical calculation in just 4 min whereas supercomputer has taken more time than Quantum. Quantum computers are 158 million times faster than supercomputers. Also, read Best tech gadget ever How do quantum computers work? A normal computer works on Binary language that is 0 and 1. A quantum computer equivalent data is known as quantum bits or qubits which can exist in 0 and 1 as well. These stated in a particle are called spin. This simultaneous state of both Missouri and 1 is like a kind of sweep of probabilities called a superposition. This makes it possible to store and manipulate a vast amount of information with a relatively small amount of particles. A normal computer spits are made from tiny transistors but a Qubit can be anything that exhibits quantum behavior. Our world and nature itself a Quantum in nature. A real-world quantum system can not be modeled on a classical computer without making poor approximations. Our current machines are so inaccurate because the electron in the real world that is orbiting around these atoms are themselves in superposition. These electrons exist in multiple states at once and we can not model that properly with classical computers. Calculating all the possibilities is just too firm. Quantum computers on the other hand can leverage the point that they themselves also work using superposition. Richard Fireman who was instrumental in the very formation of quantum physics first propose that concept. The qubits must be able to communicate in order to get the exponential processing speed up. The future of all qubits is connected to each other in a process called quantum entanglement. The condition of one defines the state of the other. Conclusion. Our technologies are increasing day by day and these technologies are taking the place of humans. Quantum computers are considered as our future because it is going to change our work life a lot. Quantum computers work on quantum physics formulas. Scientists and engineers have a lot of hope for quantum computers in the 21st century. Manufacturing quantum computers are not so much easy. It requires a lot of advanced tools and complex algorithms. There are so many scientists doing research on quantum computers. There are so many companies that are investing money in quantum computers. Google, IBM, Intel, and Microprocessor companies are working on such computers. Experts believe that with the help of these computers, it can bring a change in healthcare, communication, Artificial intelligence, defense, and science. I have mentioned a lot about Quantum computers vs Supercomputers in this post. Hope you will like this article.